Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Scanning Documents with a iPhone

1. Open Notes and hit the + key
2. Choose Scan Documents from the menu
3. Adjust the scanned image and hit Keep Scan 
Sometimes a person asks me a question that makes me realize that the world has changed, but the person asking the question doesn't know it. Today's question involved one of the faculty members asking about how to get our photocopier to scan documents. To actually change it requires super-admin privileges, no one on campus has that level. The company we lease the machine from has to send out a representative to change it. This will not happen immediately, so I asked the teacher about using her/his phone. She/he said, "Oh, but I don't want a photo of it. I want a real scanned copy, so the quality is good." I calmly asked, "What type of phone do you have?" She/he replied, "An iPhone 7." I explained that in Notes, you can scan a document now. I have included a three-step guide on how to do it. No other apps are needed. But even if you have an older phone, you can download QR Reader from the app store for iOS or Android. The great thing about the QR Reader app is that you can also create your own QR codes with it. Don't live in the Dark Age!

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Book Study -- Enhancing Professional Practice: The Framework for Teaching

The Cheongna Dalton School admin team is in the process of changing our teacher evaluation system. As part of this work, we have committed to having a book study as a group to discuss and add to our knowledge. Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching by Charlotte Danielson has been around for several years and is a good place for us to begin our process. Specific goals we are hoping to achieve:

  1. Developing a common language around educator evaluation and growth.
  2. Finding a more consistent way to conduct evaluation with a focus on professional growth.
  3. Improving our knowledge as a team.
Move moved through the beginning chapters of the book pretty quickly, but now that we are in the section that describes in detail each domain and the type of evidence that could be gathered, we have slowed do to really think through each section. 

I've read the book in the past, but I'm enjoying rereading it as a group to discuss what we are learning and choices that we need to make to have this work for CDS.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Reminders in Google Calendar

One of my colleagues didn't have Reminders in his Google Calendar and we couldn't understand why it wasn't available, but I was able to figure it out finally. I figured I better share the knowledge because I'm sure other people are having the same problem.